Lawrence O’Donnell: The Current Composition of the Supreme Court Is a ‘Stain on a America’s Claim’ that It Is a Democracy
O'DONNEL: "That decision was not a product of legal scholarship, that decision was a product of Republican convenience. Every justice who voted in supported of that opinion is a Republican. Only one of those justices was appointed by a president who entered the presidency by winning the most votes. George H.W. Bush is the last Republican president who entered the presidency by winning the most votes. That was in 1988. He gave us Clarence Thomas. If you lived in a democracy, where the candidate with the most votes wins, there would be no other Republican justice currently serving on the Supreme Court. Clarence Thomas would be the only one. The current composition of the Supreme Court stands, in my view and in my view alone, as a stain on America’s claim to the world that it is a democracy. And no other democracy in the 21st century when seven out of 50 states decide presidential elections through an electoral contrivance created in a slaveholding country 235 years ago, a contrivance they tried to make sound serious by calling it a college, the Electoral College. The Electoral College gave us this Supreme Court, not the voters.”