Jeb: Trump ‘Talking About Conspiracy Theories’ with Iraq War

‘Everybody got the same intelligence information and great majority of people made a conclusion that he had a weapons of mass destruction’

O’DONNELL: “Governor, let me ask you about Iraq. Because Donald Trump has called it a big, fat, mistake. You’ve also called Iraq a mistake. So, where do you disagree?”
BUSH: “Well, on the power of hindsight, faulty intelligence was clearly a mistake. It was also a mistake not to stabilize the country at the beginning. But what was successful was the surge. Because at the time of Barack Obama’s inauguration, Iraq was secure. It was fragile, but there was a stability there that was abandoned. The creation of ISIS has been created by the void that was filled. And I think that’s the lesson of history is that you’ve got to stick with it to make sure that you create stability. And what Trump’s talking about is conspiracy theories. Literally talking about impeaching the president. Everybody got the same intelligence information. And the great majority of people made a conclusion that he had weapons of mass destruction.”

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