Trump: Families Are Very Important for J.D. Vance, The Dems Are Very Good at Spinning Things

‘He is not against anything’


TRUMP: “I think they understand it. No, I think they understand it. The Democrats are good at spinning things differently from what — all he said was he does like — I mean, for him, he likes family. I think a lot of people like family and sometimes it doesn’t work out, and you know why? You don’t meet the right person, or you don’t meet any person, but you’re just as good, in many cases a lot better than a person that’s in a family situation. But they took it and they spun it differently. When you listen to his words, you know, you helped me very much when you analyzed the — what was said in Charlottesville and what I said was perfect. But they stop it after the first sentence.”

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