Swalwell: Kamala Harris Is Not Going to Pick Anyone ‘as Weird and Creepy’ as J.D. Vance

‘Anyone she picks will be eminently more qualified than a guy who thinks that if you‘re a single hard working woman in America, you should have to pay more in taxes’

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SWALWELL: “You know, when it comes to the vice presidential sweepstakes, there's one name that I keep focusing on, J.D. Vance. He absolutely cannot be the vice president of the United States. And so anyone she picks will be eminently more qualified than a guy who thinks that if you're a single, hard working woman in America, you should have to pay more in taxes. Again, this is just bizarre. Doesn't make any sense. And by the way, if you are single and you meet someone and you want to start a family, J.D. Vance doesn't support you using IVF to start that family. And say, unfortunately, you start a family and your spouse becomes violent, he has said that he thinks that you should be forced to stay in a violent marriage. So, I don't think Kamala Harris is going to pick anyone as weird and creepy as J.D. Vance.”


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