Slate’s Michelle Goldberg: Clinton ‘Not an Agile Enough Politician’

‘She still clearly the favorite’


HAYES: “Joining me now, ‘Slate’ columnist, Michelle Goldberg. Michelle, you have a great piece in ‘Slate’ today about basically you used to hate Hillary Clinton, now you’re going to vote for her. I think you’re a straight-shooter on the strengths and weaknesses of her. What’s your read of this I mean, which of those two paths if you had to choose, hey, it’s OK, these states aren’t representative, just do your thing, or something has to change here?”
GOLDBERG: “Well, both I think. On the one hand, she’s still clearly the favorite and, you know, although there hasn’t been any recent polling in South Carolina and some of these other states, the most recent polling shows her ahead by, you know, kind of overwhelming margins and I haven’t seen any sign that that’s about to change within the next couple of days.”
HAYES: “I should note it’s bizarre there has not been a very recent South Carolina poll. We were looking today. It’s been, like, three weeks. We’re little flying blind.”
GOLDBERG: “On the one hand, the worst thing they could do is completely panic, bring someone in like Mark Penn, start wildly attacking Bernie Sanders. It would alienate a lot of people who like both of themes who are inclined to support her out of pragmatism but don’t like the side who are inclined to support her out of pragmatism but don’t like the side who of pragmatism but don’t like the side but don’t like the triangulating side of the Clintons. She’s at her worse when she does a dem gojic pivot, boxed in, when she feels like she’s under attack she does insincere demography. Co-sponsoring the flag-burning amendment in the Senate, voting for the war in Iraq, saying 9/11 during the debates to justify her Wall Street ties. You know, she’s not good at it and it infuriates people. What I really wish she could do, I don’t know if she’s an agile enough politician to pull it off, is take a page from trump and kind of level with people or appear to level with people and say, I know this corrupt system inside and out, you know —“
HAYES: “Yeah, this system’s corrupt and no one knows it better than I because I had to operate it.”
GOLDBERG: “I don’t think she’s an agile enough politician to be able to pull that off. I really wish she could in part because I think it has the virtue of being true.”

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