Ana Navarro: J.D. Vance Is Also a DEI Hire, ‘The Translator for Hillbillies’

‘Do you know why J.D. Vance became Hollywood liberal, Hollywood darling and CNN contributor?’


NAVARRO: “Then they are saying that Kamala Harris is a DEI hire, you know, diversity, equity and inclusion, that she’s had everything handed to her because she’s a woman, because she’s black, because she’s out southeast Asian, because she's whatever, if we’re gonna talk about DEI hires, why don't we talk about J.D. Vance? You know why J.D. Vance became Hollywood liberal and Hollywood darling and CNN contributor and all of those things? Because he supposedly was the translator for hillbillies, 'Hillbilly Elegy,' right? So that was his entree, his diversity, equity and inclusion. So let's include hillbillies in diversity, equity and inclusion, or is it just for black people and Latinos? You know who else got everything handed to him? Donald J. Trump, who had everything handed to him by his daddy, who bailed him out of the draft, who bailed him out of debt, who just helped him his entire life. That guy has had everything handed to him.”

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