Trump: ‘I’m Not Supposed to Be Here Tonight ... I Stand Before You in this Arena Only by the Grace of the Almighty God’

‘When I rose surrounded by Secret Service the crowd was confused because they thought I was dead’


TRUMP: “I am not supposed to be here tonight. I'm not supposed to be here."

AUDIENCE: "Yes, you are! Yes, you are!"

TRUMP: "Thank you. But I'm not. And I tell you, I stand before you in this arena only by the grace of Almighty God.


And watching the reports over the last few days, many people say it was a providential moment. Probably was. When I rose, surrounded by Secret Service, the crowd was confused because they thought I was dead, and there was great, great sorrow -- I could see that on their faces as I looked out -- they didn't know I was looking out, they thought it was over, but I could see it and I wanted to do something to let them know I was okay. I raised my right arm, looked at the thousands and thousands of people that were breathlessly waiting, and started shouting, 'Fight! Fight! Fight!'"

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