Eugene Robinson: ‘This Is Not a Good Morning’ for Clinton; ‘She Got Creamed in N.H.’

‘A lot more people have voted for Bernie Sanders, a lot more Democrats’

ROBINSON: "You know, I think Steve’s analysis is a good one. I wonder how much those issues, the honesty and trustworthy issues will affect her in south Carolina. It’s also unclear what Bernie Sanders will get among African-American vote issers there. We’ll see how he does with Latino voters in Nevada. However this is not a good morning for Hillary Clinton. She got creamed in new Hampshire.
SCARBOROUGH: "Can you think of a parallel in modern American politics where a front-runner — usually it’s pat Buchanan comes within three points of the front-runner and it’s a disaster."
ROBINSON: "It’s a revolution."
SCARBOROUGH: "Gene Mccarthy comes in much closer to lbj and he has to get out of the race. Here the front-runner gets 38% of the vote, lost by 22 points in a state that revived bill Clinton’s campaign in 1992 and saved Hillary’s in 2008.
ROBINSON: "Right, exactly."
SCARBOROUGH: "Any parallel to a loss this sweeping?
ROBINSON: "No, of course, you know, this year it doesn’t have great parallels, right, because there’s no — there hasn’t been a Donald Trump, there hasn’t been anything like this. But, look, she squeaked by in Iowa. She got creamed in new Hampshire. A lot more people have voted for Bernie Sanders, a lot more Democrats."
SCARBOROUGH: "She squeaks by in Iowa and the Democrats still won’t release the raw vote out of Iowa."
ROBINSON: "Well, no, and there’s a crazy process anyhow in Iowa but it’s clear, a lot more Democrats have voted for Bernie Sanders than Hillary Clinton thus far."

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