Jonah Goldberg: Biden Is Not That Important if Trump Is Deemed a Threat to Democracy

‘The only relevant question to ask is, what is our best shot at winning’


GOLDBERG: "Yeah, I'm one of these people who thinks that the cult of the presidency has become a form of idolatry in this country, where we imbue the presidency with — we so personalize it, it is essentially a monarch. Democracy in America historically is contest between parties, not necessarily personalities. And Joe Biden is not that important if the Democrats believe. And I think a lot of them sincerely do, that this is an existential threat to democracy and all that stuff — whether I think some of that is overblown or not doesn‘t matter — the only relevant question to ask is, what is our best shot at winning? And saying we owe it to Joe Biden, that he deserves this, deserves got nothing to do with it. And neither does the last three-and-a-half years. What matters is what‘s happening — whether he can do the job next, and whether he can do the job for the next four months as a campaigner and as a president, and whether he can serve as four more years as president. And I think that there are a lot of people who are getting caught up in emotion in all of this, including Joe Biden, who‘s digging in and sees it as a personal affront, and I think it is a slow-moving disaster for the Democratic Party."

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