Jen Psaki Leaves Biden in Limbo After ‘Just OK’ Stephanopoulos Interview: I Don’t Know ‘The Best Path Forward’

‘It was better than debate, not a home run at all’

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PSAKI: “So, yes, we are getting a lot of conflicting data points right now. We are consuming it all just like you are. And overall, it’s not an avalanche, at least not yet, in this moment, which is all we can talk about, of elected Democrats calling on the president to step aside. That could change. And there’s not a polling picture in this moment that shows us definitively that the debate was the campaign ender it might have seen like in the moment. On Friday, President Biden also sat down for his first interview since the debate with veteran journalist George Stephanopoulos. I watched it, I watched a lot of these, I prepped him and others for a lot of these. I would say it went just okay for the president. I mean, in many ways, people watching saw what they wanted to see, because for some, he looked better than he did at the debate — he did, he was more clear, he seemed much better prepared to make his case and make the case against Trump, but there were also some moments — and not just one — that did not go well."

(Via Mediaite)

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