Gingrich: As Hard as It Is to Believe, Biden May Be the Most Electable Democrat

‘They could get to a point this summer where they have to replace him, where it just becomes so obvious that he can’t function’

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GINGRICH: "Well, I think, if you look at the polling data, he actually, as hard as it is to believe, may be the most electable Democrat. I mean, there are no polls that indicate that one of the governors runs better than Biden. So, if you are -- you know, the Democratic Party is a unusual, but very powerful coalition of very strong ideologies and people who want government money. Those two come together and their view is that Joe Biden will take care of those issues and Joe Biden will give them the checks so they have cash. They do not care that he is totally out of it. Now, for the country and for the world, to have an American commander-in-chief who's so clearly in cognitive decline, I think is very dangerous. But there's another factor here, Mark. I just do not know. It strikes me that he’s getting worse pretty rapidly. They could get to a point this summer where they have to replace him, where it just becomes so obvious that he can't function. And I think if that happens, then you will have a very interesting struggle in the Democratic Party over who replaces him, and I think they'll be in chaos at that point."

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