Scarborough Battles WSJ’s Kissel on Eminent Domain: Highways for Public Use and Keystone Are Different

Scarborough: ‘The point is the people putting the Keystone pipeline in aren’t doing it for the betterment of America’


KISSEL: “I think Trump was lucky he essentially escaped scrutiny. The focus was on Cruz and Rubio. I watched the debate and didn’t see Trump growing as a candidate because there’s no substance there. There are no details. He was lucky that the fire was trained elsewhere. And in that eminent domain exchange between Trump and bush, I think bush won that. Trump has been given a pass by the media because no one has questioned his assertion of — well, we would haven’t the keystone pipeline without eminent domain. That’s not how Trump used eminent domain. Trump used eminent domain for his own personal gain, his own private gain. It had nothing to do with the public use like building a road or pipeline and she shouldn’t get a pass on that when Trump is in front of the cameras.”
SCARBOROUGH: “Mary, the point is the people putting the Keystone Pipeline in aren’t doing it for the betterment of America, they’re doing it for the betterment of their bottom line. It’s the same thing: There’s a different between paving highways for public use and the Keystone Pipeline which an oil company is putting pipe down so they can make money and have their stock go up.” (Applause) 
KISSEL: “You don’t think energy security good? Energy security is good for the U.S. economy? Of course it is. They are two absolutely different things, Joe, I have to beg to differ on this one.” 
SCARBOROUGH: “I think it’s great for the economy and I supported the keystone pipeline but there’s a difference between private and public use. All I’m saying is Donald Trump just like the people doing keystone pipeline who’s doing what he was doing to make a profit and I think that’s — “
KISSEL: “There’s a distinct difference between a pipeline that gets us off of reliance of OPEC and Venezuela, rogue nations like Venezuela and a parking lot far casino in New Jersey. I don’t think you’re comparing apples to apples there.”
BRZEZINSKI: “I love it.” 
SCARBOROUGH: “First of all, you know the keystone pipeline won’t make us independent from foreign oil and secondly you are allowed to go back and work at the ‘Wall Street journal’ editorial board because I do not pick up you saying anything positive about Donald Trump so you’re clean, completely clean going back there.” 
BRZEZINSKI: “You might want to delete that tweet, though.” 
SCARBOROUGH: “I’m just joking. But delete the tweet.” 
KISSEL: “I thought it was an anodyned tweet. I was shocked people picked up on it. It’s not particularly controversial to say the police are doing a good job and residents in urban city centers deserve to be protected just as much as everybody else.” 
SCARBOROUGH: “You know, it’s funny Willie, what kind of tweet did I tell you that was?”
GEIST: “Anodyned.” 
SCARBOROUGH: “I said anodyned tweet.” 
BRZEZINSKI: “Tip of my tongue.” 
GEIST: “Trump was —“ 
SCARBOROUGH: “We need Mary up here.” 
GEIST: “By Trump standards he moderated himself until the end when he got to make his closing statement and then he said ‘Ted stole the election’ and then moved on.” 
SCARBOROUGH: “Ted, thank you for being so nice, by the way you stole the election.” 
BRZEZINSKI: “Kasie Hunt, Robert Costa, Mary Kissel, thank you so much.”
SCARBOROUGH: “Mary, come up in New Hampshire with us!” (Applause) 
BRZEZINSKI: “You need to sit up here with us. Try to get her on tomorrow, Alex.”

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