Chris Swecker: The Left Is Pressuring Judge Cannon to Remove Herself from the Trump Classified Docs Case

‘They don’t know what to do when the deck isn’t stacked’


SWECKER: "I say these people don't know what to do when the deck isn't stacked in their favor. There have been 1,000 complaints against the judge, but as the chief circuit court judge for the 11th circuit pointed out, there was an orchestrated campaign against her. He just issued a ruling, it's posted on the district court website, that said the clerk is not to take any more complaints from the public, that there’s no evidence of any bias on the part of this judge, and that there’s no reason for recusal simply because she was appointed by President Trump. So it’s clearly sort of a far left-wing attempt to, again, try to stack — get rid of her and stack the deck. They don't know what to do when the deck isn't stacked."

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