Biden Says It’s Untrue Administration Infringing on 2nd Amendment

‘They Say It Will Violate Their Rights Under the Second Amendment. Not True!’

Biden Blasts Critics: ‘They Say It Will Violate Their Rights Under the Second Amendment. Not True!’ (National Review)

Vice President Joe Biden this afternoon angrily attacked opponents of gun-control legislation during remarks delivered in Danbury, Conn. “They say it will violate their rights under the Second Amendment. Not true!” he shouted, “They say assault weapons like the AR-15 are needed for self-protection and recreation. They are not. There’s plenty of ways you can protect yourself and recreate without an AR-15. They say it isn’t about guns. They’re wrong — it is about guns!” No Americans, he said, legitimately fear their constitutional rights will be infringed “in any way.”

Biden, speaking a few miles from the scene of December’s massacre in Newtown, Conn., is engaged in an effort to rally support for the administration’s gun proposals, including a ban on semi-automatic weapons and universal background checks.

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