Jeb Hits Rubio: His Record of Accomplishments Is Slim

‘Well, his list of fighting for additional sanctions for Hezbollah, which was done by unanimous consent unanimously, literally, where he didn’t show up to vote, that was one of them’

SCARBOROUGH: "That is a sentiment shared by the boys who say that — let’s bring in Jeb Bush. Jeb, I want to be personal for one second here then we’ll talk about policy and everything else. But the thing that struck me being around your parents and I had the honor of actually going up and sending a little bit of time with them, it’s — when I talk to them, you know, we think of you guys as this political family and almost lnl like American royalty. She’s a mom. Your dad’s a dad. You sit down and you’re expecting these great stories about what happened in ‘76 or ‘80, they talk about their kids. And Willie was just commenting, the most moving part of yesterday was your mom was taking pictures of you with her iPhone like any proud mom would be and lest somebody would ever, like, mock that, I would kill to have my mom and dad doing the very same thing. Not kill, but you know. You have an incredible family because it is all about family."
BUSH: "Yeah, I’m blessed, first of all, that they’re alive and I thank god everyday that that’s the case. My mom came up here, she’s 90 years old, she has a stroller, she makes her way around. Today it’s snowing, we’re going to do one event before she takes off and I’m worried about whether she’s going to be slip or not. I’ll be right behind her making sure she doesn’t. She is phenomenal. People love her and America loves her and I love her more than I could ever express to you all."
SCARBOROUGH: "So let’s talk politics for just a bit. A former —"
BUSH: "By the way, I may have to brag a little bit, so don’t tell my mom."
SCARBOROUGH: "I certainly won’t. Marco Rubio was in the news yesterday because we had Rick Santorum on who couldn’t list an accomplishment that he had. First of all, I want to ask you and I’ll ask you two questions since we have a slight delay here. What do you think of Marco Rubio’s list of accomplishments that his campaign got out after Rick Santorum couldn’t name one and give us your list."
BUSH: "Well, his list of fighting for additional sanctions for Hezbollah, which was done by unanimous consent unanimously, literally, where he didn’t show up to vote, that was one of them."
BUSH: "I think he passed a bill Jeanne Shaheen that seemed pretty nice. That one bill became law. That’s about it. Oh, the risk corridor for Obamacare that the actual sponsors of the amendment claim, correctly so, that they did it, and that was confirmed by the “New York Times” after that misreported it. So his record of accomplishment is slim. He was speaker of the house and he did a fine job there. But every speaker before him and after him but one that worked with both of us is supporting me and the three statewide elected officials are sporting me. It’s not because they don’t like Marco, he’s a likable person. But they saw me in action as a leader and leadership is not about passing amendments and calling it success. It’s about making tough decisions. I was governor when there was eight hurricanes and four tropical storms during 16 months. No one complained about Florida then. I cut taxes eight years in a row totaling $19 billion. We were one of two states to go to AAA bond rating. We fought public unions and eliminated career civil service protections and the state government work force declined by 11% but we led the nation in job growth seven out of eight years. The list is pretty long and that’s not necessarily a precursor to what the future looks like. But I’ve laid out details on what the future could look like if you had a leader to fight to change the culture of Washington."

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