CNN Finalizes Rules for June 27 Biden-Trump Debate: The Moderators Will ‘Ensure a Civilized Discussion’

‘The 90-minute debate will include two commercial breaks’

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WHITFIELD: "In just 12 days, June 27th, just steps from where I am standing here at san ends Atlanta studio. CNN will host President Biden and former President Trump for the first presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle. We are now learning more about the format rules. Follow the 90 minute debate will include two commercial breaks and during those breaks, the candidates and their staff will not be allowed to interact both presidents will appear at uniform podiums and their position will be determined by a coin flip. Muted throughout the debate except when it‘s a candidates turn to speak, there will be no props or pre-written notes aloud on stage. Each candidate will be given a pen, a pad of paper, and a bottle of water there will be no studio audience. And the moderators, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion.”

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