ABC’s Terry Moran: The Political Consequence of Hunter Verdict May Be Tempered by The Fact that This Is a Scourge that Has Touched So Many American Families

‘So many American families understand that now the first family has gone through it as well’


MORAN: “It reminds us that for all of the major implications of the first conviction of the child of a president, this is -- this trial inside the courtroom, like, virtually every criminal trial was a personal -- story of personal tragedy, a family tragedy, and the guilty verdict that the jury has handed down on Hunter Biden were verdicts not just on his conduct under law, but on his collapse into drug addiction and the consequences of it. So many American families understand that. And now the first family has gone through it as well. The political consequences of it may be tempered by the fact that this is a scourge that has touched so many American families, even the president's.”


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