Bloomberg’s Josh Green: Clinton Will Never ‘Out-Liberal’ a Socialist Like Sanders

‘It shows how far Left the Democratic Party has moved’

SCARBOROUGH: “Josh Green, Hillary Clinton yesterday was saying that Bernie Sanders was engaging in personal attacks by accusing her of being a moderate. (Laughter) [crosstalk]
BRZEZINSKI: “That’s personal [indecipherable].”
SCARBOROUGH: “I will say that again. Hillary Clinton said yesterday that Bernie Sanders was engaging in personal attacks by calling her a moderate. On September the 10th, Hillary Clinton in an act of political self hatred called herself a moderate. (Laughter) It’s just —this is one of the fantastical thing about the Clintons that I’ve never understood. [indecipherable] about Trump gets away with things that nobody else [indecipherable] away. The Clintons have always gotten away with things that other candidates would be called out on.”
GREEN: “Well I don’t think she’s getting away with anything.” [crosstalk]
ROBERTS: “No. She just called out of —“
GREEN: “She got nailed on that answer and I think what it shows is how far left the Democratic Party has moved. I mean, the fact that you are fighting over are you progressive or are you a liberal — she is in a tough spot. You never going to out-liberal Bernie Sanders. That guy is a Democratic socialist. And yet, the big fight within the Democratic primary has been who is more liberal, who is more anti-Wall Street. It you puts Clinton in a perennially tough position.”

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