Fauci Says He Received ‘Zero’ in Royalties from Big Pharma Since 2021

‘I got $122 for a monoclonal antibody I created 27 years ago’


MALLIOTAKIS: “Dr. Fauci, how much have you earned from royalties from pharmaceutical companies since the pandemic began in 2021?”
FAUCI: “Zero.”
MALLIOTAKIS: “It says NIH scientists made $710 million in royalties from drug makers. You're saying that you did not receive any of the $710 million?”
FAUCI: “On Covid? I received that think $122 for a monoclonal antibody that I made 27 years ago.”
MALLIOTAKIS: “OK. So just in general, though, how much have you received not -- not related to Covid -- just in general, how much have you received in royalties between 2021 and 2023?”
FAUCI: “I think none.”
MALLIOTAKIS: “OK. So somebody received the $710 million.”
FAUCI: “Somebody did, but not me.”


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