Sanders Camp: Clinton Refusing to Have a Debate in New York City

‘It would be great if they can explain’

BLITZER: "I know Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton will both be at the CNN town hall tomorrow night in New Hampshire. Anderson cooper will be moderating. What about Thursday night? That debate. Is that happening or not?"
WEAVER: "We’re down to one final sticking point, and I have to tell you, it’s — talking about frustrating. I don’t really understand why the Clinton campaign refuses to agree to have a debate in new York City, a city that she represented as a United States don’t face the people of new York and think that they deserve to have a debate in their city, so no one has explained why they think this is a bad idea. New York was a critical state for Democrats. That’s going to be a hotly contested primary in New York state. We intend to — why the Clinton campaign seems unwilling to debate in New York City remains a mystery to me. It would be great in they can explain. Watching your news this morning, maybe the Lynne people can look into it."
BLITZER: "I’ll be speaking later this hour with Hillary Clinton. I’ll ask her what’s going on with the debate, and we’ll get back to you on that. Keep watching CNN, Jeff, and you’ll get an answer directly from Hillary Clinton. Jeff, thanks very much for joining us."
WEAVER: "Thank you, wolf. Always a pleasure."

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