Kerry on Syria: ‘We Haven’t Seen Catastrophe Like This Since World War Two!’

‘And it’s unfolding before our eyes’

“The situation on the ground for the Syrian people is unfathomable. We haven’t seen a catastrophe like this since World War II, and it’s unfolding before our eyes. 

People in Madaya eating leaves and grass, or animals of one kind or another that they managed to capture, people who have not had a resupply for months. A hundred thirteen requests for the United Nations to provide supply and only 13 have been granted by the Assad regime. 

Starvation as a tactic of war is against the laws of war and it is being used every single day as a tactic by the Assad regime. So we need to speak out powerfully about the urgent need of Geneva to deliver a ceasefire, to deliver humanitarian assistance and to get civilians from stopping being bombed on a daily basis.”

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