Oops: Obama Donor Picked for Norwegian Ambassador Blows Basic Facts on Norway

‘I stand corrected’

Obama Donor Picked for Norwegian Ambassador Blows Basic Facts on Norway (Washington Free Beacon)

President Obama’s pick to be U.S. Ambassador to Norway George Tsunis made several incorrect statements on basic facts about the Norwegian government during a Senate confirmation hearing on Thursday.

Tsunis made multiple misstatements to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that flummoxed members of the committee, especially Sen. John McCain (R., Ariz.), according to Yahoo! News.

To recap: Tsunis described Norway as having a president (“apparently under the impression that the country is a republic rather than a constitutional monarchy,” as the Local Norway’s News notes dryly). And he characterized the anti-immigration Progress Party as being among “fringe elements” who “spew their hatred” and have been denounced by the government.

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