BBC: Slovakia Prime Minister Robert Fico Shot and Injured After Government Meeting

Fico was shot in front of a cultural community center in the town of Handlova, where a government meeting had been held


ANCHOR: “Reports in the Slovakian media are saying their Prime Minister Robert Fico has been taken to hospital after being shot. A newspapers reported that he was leaving a government meeting in the central town of Handlova when several shots were fired from a crowd. Eye witness said he had fallen to the ground and was then loaded into a vehicle and taken away. Those are the latest reports we've just had. And we can speak to -- our correspondent Paul Moss is joining me here in the studio. Paul, do we know any more details about what happened.”
MOSS: “I'm afraid pretty much of what we know. Handlova, a small town in the right in the middle of Slovakia. We're told that the prime minister was leaving a building called the House of Culture when as you say, shots were heard. First, there were just reports of a shooting in Handlova. And then it turned out it was the prime minister. And we're told he's been taken to hospital. In terms of his condition, I'm afraid at the moment, that's all we know.”


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