Chuck Todd: Trump Can Only Damage Himself at Debate
‘He could only damage himself at this debate and now the debate could become a slugfest with Rubio and Cruz which only plays into the hands of one person, Donald Trump’
Chuck Todd: Trump Can Only Damage Himself At Debate; Slugfest Between Rubio and Cruz Benefits Trump (RealClearPolitics)
NBC's Chuck Todd predicts the drama surrounding by Donald Trump's decision to pull out of FOX News' Republican debate Thursday night will be over by Saturday. Todd said the Republican frontrunner can only damage himself by participating in the debate and not going may prove beneficial, especially if there is a "slugfest" between Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.
"This is a case when you're in the lead, walk away," Todd said.
"I think ultimately, this debate will be a distant memory by Saturday," the Meet the Press moderator said. "People forget, this may not have the shelf life going into Monday."
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