Trump Surrogate: Fox Kicked Trump out of the Debate for Being Too Good

‘This is a perfect example of showing that he’s able to stand up for what’s right’

COSTELLO: “Conservatives on Fox News, now that you bring them up, they’re now openly wondering if Trump has the temperament to be president. It goes all along the line of what I have asked you before. Sean Hannity said maybe people who like him and support him should be paying attention because he's going to be dealing with mullahs in Iran, he is going to be dealing with Vladimir Putin and he can’t deal with Megyn Kelly?”
DEWIT: “And I think this is a perfect example of showing that he’s able to stand up for what’s right. And he’s able to stand up for what he believes in. And quite frankly, the other candidates that aren’t able to do that, that obviously shows their weakness in leadership.” [crosstalk] 
COSTELLO: “You don’t like what Vladimir Putin is going to say so you’re going to leave the room and say, I’m sorry. I am not dealing with you. On the world stage, that sometimes doesn’t work.”
DEWIT: “Again, don’t forget. This is a debate that he’s doing willingly. If they’re going to keep insulting him before the debate, at some point you have to say enough is enough. I’ve done six debates. I won them all. I think the other candidates should be throwing a party right now that they have a chance to win a debate, because with him there, he would win this debate as well. I almost think if you saw the news about the Minnesota girl’s basketball team that was kicked out of a tournament for being too good, it almost feels like the candidates and Fox got together to kick Mr. Trump out of the debate because he was too good.”
COSTELLO: “Yes, but other candidates like Ted Cruz want to debate Mr. Trump one on one. You heard Ted Cruz. He does not appear afraid of Mr. Trump. He wants to debate him one on one.”
DEWIT: “Well, that’s a publicity stuff. You know that.”
COSTELLO: “I don’t know that.”
DEWIT: “He’s trying to get out from the pack.”
COSTELLO: “Ted Cruz is a wonderful debater. He’s very good at that. I believe Ted Cruz when he says he wants to debate Donald Trump. And he’s not afraid.”
DEWIT: “I agree with you. He is a very good debater because he's been a lawyer and a politician his whole life. And is that what we want? Do we want to elect somebody who is another life-long lawyer? [crosstalk]  I like him. He’s a good guy, but we need something different. We need a successful businessman. That’s what our country needs. That's what America is [indecipherable] which is why Mr. Trump leads in the polls. And that's what we are looking for. Somebody that can stand up and do things differently. That’s what you get in a businessman that you don’t see in the lawyers and the politicians that are going to show up tonight.”
COSTELLO: “All right.  have to leave it there. Jeff DeWit, many thanks to you."

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