Trump Chastises O’Reilly for Breaking ‘Agreement’ About Not Asking Him to Attend Debate

Trump: ‘You and I had an agreement that you wouldn’t ask me that’


O'REILLY: "In your Christian faith there is a very significant tenet and that's the tenet of forgiveness and I think you should forgive not only journalists who come at you in ways you don't like, but I think you should be the bigger man and say, do you know what, I didn't like it and you should make that case all day long, but I'm not going to take any action against it. You know, don't you think that's the right thing to do?"
TRUMP: "It probably is, but, you know, it's called an eye for an eye I guess also, you can look at it that way."
O'REILLY: "No. No. No. No. "
TRUMP: "You are taking --"
O'REILLY: "If you are the Christian the eye for the eye rule goes out. Here is what it is, turning the other cheek."
TRUMP: "You're taking this much more seriously than I am. I'm not taking it seriously, I'm going to have a wonderful time tomorrow night at 9:00 at drake university."
O'REILLY: "But you're depriving the people of seeing you."
TRUMP: "No, I'm not."
O'REILLY: " In a forum they need to see you in. Come on, it's about the country."
TRUMP: "The press will be there and everybody Dr we are going to help a lot of veterans whereas fox is not giving anything to the veterans, I'm giving 100% to the veterans. I'm going to make a substantial donation."
O'REILLY: "I want you to consider, all right, think about it, say, look, I might come back, forgive, go forward, answer the questions, look out for the folks. Just want you to consider it. You owe me milk shakes, I will take them off the ledger if you consider it."
TRUMP: "Well, even though you and I had an agreement that you wouldn't ask me that, which we did, I will, therefore, forget that you asked me that, but it's not up to me, bill."
O'REILLY: "You're actually telling the truth there."
TRUMP: "They broke the agreement --"
O'REILLY: "You're telling the truth --"
TRUMP: "I told you up front I said don't ask me that question because it's an embarrassing question."
O'REILLY: "I'm not going to listen to anybody, I'm not going to listen to any political person telling me don't ask me anything. You are absolutely an honest man that I said I will try not to do it, but the milk shake thing just overwhelmed me."

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