MSNBC: Active Shooter Situation at Naval Medical Center in San Diego

‘We know there’s a lot of law enforcement surrounding what is building 26’

"We are following a breaking news story in San Diego at Naval Medical Center San Diego where on buildings, one of the campuses are on lockdown after one of the terms used by law enforcement and sadly entered our general language. That is an active shooter. We have watched a lot of law enforcement vehicles arriving. The local patrol and S.W.A.T. team have gone up to the exit ramp on the campus and that is about all we know. So we don’t know the disposition of this. We know there’s a lot of law enforcement surrounding what is building 26. This came out on Twitter and Facebook initially. Warning to people via social media. Something new when this came out. And that was hide, run, or fight. Those were the instructions given to people. This is obviously a campus more heavily armed than most, it being a Navy facility. Not open to civilians in San Diego. But perhaps, the largest military complex in any American city. It’s in the, really, the northeast corner of the San Diego metropolitan area. These aerial pictures are coming in KNSD, our local station in San Diego, is covering this story. They’ve been on the air live. It happened just after 8:30 local time this morning on the West Coast and really, these pictures which we’re all seeing for the first time, are all we have to go on. Law enforcement hasn’t said anything about where this stands. There are various reports that this building on building 26 is mostly gymnasium space, fitness center. There’s kind of a center for gatherings there and there’s an intake center for arriving patients. We’ll be here to update you on this story. We’re following things very closely out of San Diego, but for now, to Washington. Andrea Mitchell."

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