Giridharadas: It’s Important that Democrats Make People Not Afraid of ‘Chaos and Ungovernability’ at the Border

‘Democrats are sometimes torn between an approach of providing a real alternative to that fear-mongering or trying to, like, copy half of it in the urge to, kind of, not lose moderates and empathize with the fear, but be different’


GIRIDHARADAS: "Yeah. You know, I think for Democrats, there’s often this situation when Republicans are fanning fear around immigration, fanning fear around crime. Democrats are sometimes torn between an approach of providing a real alternative to that fear-mongering or trying to, like, copy half of it in the urge to, kind of, not lose moderates and empathize with the fear, but be different. And sometimes what happens is Democrats on this issue sound to the right of Ronald Reagan in his farewell speech. I think that’s a mistake. It’s really important to be able to talk about the border, be able to make people not feel afraid about chaos and ungovernability. But every time you talk about this, to channel what Ronald Reagan said in that farewell address, which is that this is also what has made America an extraordinary country."

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