Doctor Who Walked out of Biden Meeting with Muslim Leaders: ‘There Is So Much Wrong in Gaza’

‘We cannot allow a ground invasion to take place’


AHMAD: “They‘re undermining the very U.N. Security Council resolution that‘s calling for a ceasefire. Okay, well, then let‘s think about what happens next. Oh, then we hear that there‘s an arms transfer that‘s going to take place and we know that included in these arms transfers are these 2000-pound bombs that are leveling neighborhoods. I mean, I was in Gaza in January. I saw the devastation of Khan Yunis. I saw Deir el-Balah. I mean, these bombs are wreaking havoc and people are fleeing to the south, to Rafah, the southern edge of Gaza bordering up against Egypt, and we‘re transferring more bombs, more bullets, more fighter jets? What's going to happen to those people in Rafah? I mean, I‘m telling you that every single humanitarian aid organization, every single person invested in what‘s taking place and watching, we are trying to scream at the top of our lungs, 'Please, we cannot allow a ground invasion to take place. We need food to be able to enter and it to be distributed safely.' And I‘m glad you mentioned the tragic loss of the World Central Kitchen workers who were a part of an approved route. I mean, these are people who are coordinating and just trying to deliver food to hungry people, and they are assassinated in the process. And so, there‘s so much wrong in Gaza."

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