Gov. Abbott: ‘Texas Is the Only State in the History of the U.S. To Build Our Own Border Wall’

‘Texas is adding more of the Trump border wall in Texas than Donald Trump put up’


ABBOTT: "So let me tell you what we're doing. Number one, Texas is the only state in the history of the United States to build our own border wall. And we are not reinventing the wheel here. We are building the exact same wall that President Trump put up — with one difference. When you look at the miles tat Texas has already put up of the Trump border wall, and the numbers under construction right now, Texas is adding more of the Trump border wall in Texas than Donald Trump put up in the state of Texas. Number two, you remember those big orange buoys that we put into the Rio Grande? They were designed by the Border Patrol because they were completely effective at denying illegal entry across the river. We put them in the river because Joe Biden wouldn’t use them. And what do you think Biden did when we put them into the river? He filed a lawsuit to put a stop to it. This lawsuit is working its way through the federal courts and is subject to an en banc, however you want to call it, meaning the entire court of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals will be hear oral arguments on that case in May of this year. But I want you to know, even though Biden has tied this issue up in the courts, those buoys remain in the Rio Grande River as we gather today.”

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