McCaskill: ‘Absolutely Impossible’ for a Socialist Like Sanders to Win the Presidency

‘You’ve got to win states like Missouri if you are going to win the presidency’

HUNT: "We talked a little bit about that hammer and sickle remark. She wouldn't go quite all the way there with cameras, but she did talk a little bit about what the dangers might be for the Democratic party if Sanders is the nominee."
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McCASKILL: "My colleagues said the Republican attack machine has chain saws for hands. And I think the point I was trying to make is, Bernie has not felt those chain saws and they would come out with a vengeance if he was our nominee."
HUNT: "Do you think a socialist, a self-declared socialist could win the presidency of the United States?"
McCASKILL: "I can only speak for my state. I think it would be absolutely impossible. You have to win states like Missouri if you are going to win the presidency, states like Indiana, states like Ohio, states like Pennsylvania. It is very hard, I think, for most Americans to see how socialism would cure the problems that we are facing right now."

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