Pompeo: China Is ‘At the Center of So Many American Institutions, and We Need to Wake Up’

‘I’m not worried about the Chinese communist party beating us, I’m worried about us just standing down and allowing them to walk over us’


POMPEO: "The first thing that should be done is to require these companies to meet disclosures that match those that we require every other country in the world to do and not give the Chinese Communist Party an exception. We don’t require the same accounting rules, all of those things are just different. We created an exception for the Chinese because, frankly, they’ve been big and they have created a lot of wealth for America. We should know this too: just as they are now working against us in these capital marketplaces, using American money to fund what are Chinese Communist Party companies, there’s no such thing as a private Chinese company, they’re doing the same thing in our educational institutions, they are working against us there, providing money, research grants, paying for students to come in. Maria, they are at the center of so many American institutions, and we need to wake up, get this right, shape our policies to put them as an America-first set of policies. And when we do, I’m convinced we’ll prevail. I’m not worried about the Chinese Communist Party beating us, I’m worried about us just standing down and allowing them to walk over us."

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