Clyburn: ‘A Lot’ of Biden’s Gaffes Are His Stutter, FDR Was in a Wheelchair

‘He stumbles one time and everybody says he’s too old to be the president’

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CLYBURN: "Well, you know, when I see all the gaffes, Trump had some cue cards yesterday or last night and he couldn’t get his own wife’s name right. There’s something wrong with Trump, and we know there’s something wrong with Trump. All of that meandering that he was doing today, but we never see any reporting on that. If Joe Biden commits a gaffe, a guy who stuttered all of his childhood, into his adulthood, and everybody knows his stuttering, is what caused a lot of his speech impediments, and we know that. It has nothing to do with his brain. He stumbles one time and everybody says he’s too old to be the president. Look, we had a president of these United States, I saw the rankings the other day, who's in the top ten, and some people got him in the top three, Franklin Roosevelt was in a wheelchair. It didn’t bother his brand. He got elected president more often than anybody else in the history of the country. He ranks as being one of the best presidents we ever had, not because he was able to walk, but because he was able to think and do so in a way that benefits the American people, benefits this great country, keeps us moving toward a more perfect union, not the foolishness that we’re getting from Donald Trump.”

(via Breitbart)

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