NBC El Paso: Arrive at the Airport Extra Early Because ‘Asylum Seekers Illegally Released by DHS Are Waiting on Standby for Seats’

‘If you aren’t at the boarding gate when agents start to fill empty seats, you could be bumped’


REPORTER: "Border airline passengers are advised to check in with your airlines mobile app as soon as possible, up to 24 hours in advance, and arrive at the airport with at least two hours before your plane takes off. That’s because asylum seekers illegally released by the Department of Homeland Security are waiting on standby for seats. And if you aren’t at the boarding gate when agents start to fill empty seats, you could be bumped. That’s what happened to Joel Cavazos. He bought two tickets to L.A. from McAllen. He says he had trouble checking in on the American Airlines app and even arrived at the airport an hour before his flight. Cavazos says he checked in here with TSA, but by the time he got through the checkpoint, the boarding agent told him he had been bumped from the flight."

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