Raskin: ‘Very Clear’ that GOP Members Have Been Duped by a ‘Russia Disinformation Propaganda Effort’

‘Vladimir Putin knows he can’t challenge America militarily’


RASKIN: "He is up to his eyeballs in interaction with Russian intelligence agents, where all of this obviously began, in terms of concocting the story that Burisma had paid Joe Biden $5 million. And that was the source of this whole wild goose chase that we have been on for more than a year now. They began to backpedal on it and say, 'No, it’s not really about that, it’s about something else, maybe it’s about China, or maybe it’s about the California Bar, we don’t know what it’s about,' last week. But now it’s very clear that they’ve all been dupes to a Russian disinformation propaganda effort. And look, when I try to put the whole thing together, what I see is this. Vladimir Putin knows he can’t challenge America militarily. I mean, we are the largest military in the world, we are 20 times larger than him. In terms of our economy, he can’t challenge us economically. But he figured that the Achilles heel was the openness of our society, on the internet and social media.”

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