Tim Scott on Michael Bennet Saying Iran Was Closest to Building a Nuclear Bomb Under Trump: ‘Hogwash’

‘Under President Trump we were better off’


SCOTT: "Hogwash. What we need to know, without any question, is under President Obama, the JCPOA or the nuclear deal went into place with Iran. It was a disaster. What did we see within the JCPOA? We saw, without question, testing of mid-range missiles. What we need to know is that it was under President Trump, we were just better off. World peace — think about this. Before President Trump, incursion in Ukraine. After President Trump, a war in Ukraine. The one thing that is completely clear is that when President Trump was in office, world peace was not only an objective, but we were experiencing it. Under President Biden: botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, war in Ukraine, we have conflict in the Middle East, instability in the Indo-Pacific, and our southern border might be, in my opinion, the greatest national security risk we have today.”

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