Comer: ‘Not Only Did Joe Biden Know, Joe Biden Was a Central Figure in the Influence Peddling Scheme’

‘Joe Biden was what the Bidens were selling access to’


COMER: “Absolutely. As you know, in an investigation, to be able to convict someone you have to create a pattern of crimes. And what we’ve done with Bobulinski and Walker is we’ve created a pattern that Joe Biden was the brand. Joe Biden was what the Bidens were selling access to. I mean, the big question we’ve always had is what did the Bidens do to receive the tens of millions of dollars from our enemies around the world? Well, according to Rob Walker and Tony Bobulinski under oath, they were selling access to Joe Biden and Joe Biden knew. That’s the other thing, Joe Biden said he never met with any of these people that sent his family money. We have proven he met with all of them. So, this is the investigation of Joe Biden. I think the American people, even the Democrats in Congress and their allies in the mainstream media, they know the Bidens were influence peddling, but what they try to say is Joe Biden wasn’t involved, Joe Biden didn’t know. What we’ve been able to prove is not only did Joe Biden know, Joe Biden was a central figure in the influence peddling scheme.”

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