The White House Really Doesn’t Want to Talk About Biden’s Presence on TikTok

‘We are not going to comment on any specifics’


JEAN-PIERRE: "Look, I can’t speak to any conversations on — specifically on TikTok. We gotta to be really careful. The campaign 2024, we can't — no, no, hold on, hold on, hold on — so we’re not going to comment on any specifics, and so certainly we would defer to the campaign on any strategy. The CFIUS process is separate and not going to get ahead of — of what we’re going to say here. And I would say that the administration is on record for — for supporting the Restrict Act, as you all know, something that came up last year and it’s a bipartisan bill and it is indeed tailored and risk-based approach so we can protect Americans' freedom of speech, and that’s what matters. As you know, as you know, there are folks here, who are commissioned officers, who certain people are allowed to have conversation with the campaign, but I can’t speak to any specific conversations that are  happening about this particular issue. Again, it’s under CFIUS review, want to be really mindful and not getting ahead of that, and also it's the campaign so that is something that they would have to — have to speak to. And the reason why it is banned on government — government phones or government properties, obviously, devices, is because that is an act of Congress. That is something that Congress wanted to put forward to make sure that no government — government devices are used."

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