Jean-Pierre on Biden’s Age: ‘President Biden Does More in One Hour than Most People Do in a Day’

‘We’re going to continue to lead on leadership’


JEAN-PIERRE: "So, look, we’re going to continue to lead on leadership, right? We’re gonna continue to focus on what this president has been able to get done, what the president has been able to get done on behalf of the — of the American people. And look, I’ll quote a little bit of what the First Lady said, I think incredibly well, just a couple days ago. President Biden does more in one hour than most people do in a day. His age, with experience and expertise, is an incredible asset and he proves it every day. And that’s what we believe. We believe that his age and his experience, because he was a senator, because he was obviously vice president, because he has these long — you know, long decades of relationships with leaders, obviously across the globe, and what he’s been able to do, that's what we’re gonna lean into.”

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