Dem Rep. Crow: Sending Billions to Ukraine ‘Is Actually a Really Good Deal’ for America

‘You know, the rest of the world and certainly a lot of Americans know this is a good deal’


CROW: “I mean, they're certainly scratching their head, they're fighting and dying for their freedom and their democracy. But let's be clear here, when we say this is A, this is not charity. We're not giving this as a charitable contribution to Ukraine. We're doing this because this is in America's national security interest, you know, to have a stable and prosperous Europe. Europe is our single largest economic trading partner. We have 100,000 troops in Europe. Europe is our largest security partner. And for less than 5 percent of our annual defense budget, we are securing Europe, we are protecting our troops. Ukraine is doing the fighting. They have destroyed over half of Russia's military. And oh, by the way, over half of this money actually goes directly to American workers and American businesses who are building the weapons and equipment that we're sending to Ukraine. So this is actually a really good deal. And you know, the rest of the world and certainly a lot of Americans know this is a good deal and that's why we have to get it over the finish line.”


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