Fox Panel on Travis Kelce Screaming, Pushing Coach: It’s ‘Not Passion,’ It’s Just ‘Being a Jerk’

‘It’s the worst thing I have seen in a football game in a long time’

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JONES: "There was some drama involving Travis Kelce during the game. I just got told, we’re cleared to talk about this. So, we're going to change all of this and talk about what happened at the game night because I have been waiting for this game to be over to talk about this. Travis Kelce comes off the field, and pushes his coach and screams in his face, It’s the worst thing I have seen in a football game in a long time. You know what? From that moment, I was a 49ers fan tonight."
SHILLUE: "Wow. Are you sure he wasn't just showing passion with the coach?"
BOOTHE: "Yeah, that is not passion. That's just being a jerk."
ACUNA: "Yeah, he pushed him."
BOOTHE: "Right, you push your coach?"

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