Rubio on Trump Taking a Swipe at Nikki Haley’s Husband: ‘Just Part of His Campaign Cycles’

‘Trump gives as good as he gets’


RUBIO: "I think they're part of the increasing nastiness of this campaign and every campaign in American politics. I mean, they're calling him a grumpy old man. They're attacking Donald Trump. I remember, when Melania Trump was not visible for some period of time, you had people in the media and others snickering and speculating that she was no longer with Donald Trump. We find out later, of course, that she was caring for her ailing mother, who was in the last weeks and days of her life. So, this sort of nastiness, you know, Trump gives as good as he gets. We know that. It's just part of these campaign cycles, unfortunately. People don't like it, they're turned off by it, whatever it may be. But at the end of the day, I think one of the things I'm not going to do any longer is, like, respond to every comment Donald Trump makes and say, 'Oh, you still support him?' I do. And I support him because Joe Biden's a disaster. Because Joe Biden is a disaster. He's done tremendous damage to this country. America is less prosperous and the world is less safe because Joe Biden became president."

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