New Jeb Ad: ‘Donald Trump Is a Jerk’

‘At what point do we say enough of this?’

BUSH: “Just one other thing I got to get this off my chest: Donald Trump is a jerk.”
BERMAN: “Donald Trump facing new criticism for something he did on the campaign trail last night in South Carolina. He appeared to mock a reporter with a disability.”
TRUMP: "You gotta see this guy ... I don't know what I said ... I don't remember."
UNKNOWN MALE: “I have a 12 year old son who's handicapped, he has cerebral palsy, and that just made me so angry I told my wife I just couldn't let that stand. I had to do something. Make sure Donald Trump wasn't the nominee for the Republican Party.”
BUSH: “I believe life is precious. I think life is truly a gift from God, and we're all equal under God's watchful eye. That's what I believe and when anybody, anybody disparages people with disabilities it sets me off. That's why I called him a jerk. What kind of person would you want to have in the presidency that does that? At what point do we say enough of this? Let's start solving problems. I am Jeb Bush and I approve this message."

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