Todd: If GOP Wins, They’ll Have ‘Sold the Country on the Idea’ Obama’s Wrong Last Night

‘So this is the argument, America’

MITCHELL: “Chuck Todd is NBC's  News political director and host of 'Meet the Press', and host of the MSNBC's MPT daily. Chuck, you were saying last night as we watched and lived through this together that this was Barack Obama, the real voice of Barack Obama unleashed. He’s been frustrated for months as he’s watched this Republican campaign. And last night this was the subtext of the entire speech.”
TODD: “Absolutely. It was a rebuttal. We counted up the references. At least seven responses to Donald Trump. At least one to Red Cruz, at least one to even Chris Christie; throw in Marco Rubio in there. You could see, particularly during the foreign policy section, you could see there were just a lot of ways he was essentially rebutting, you know, almost as if okay there have been all these Republican debates. Your name was mentioned, Mr. President. You get an hour to respond. You know. And that’s what — when you really look back on it, I think you can see that in many ways, that’s how they wanted to frame the speech. Because guess what? That is what this campaign is about. If the Republicans win, then they successfully have sold the country on the idea that President Obama was wrong last night. That we aren’t going in the right direction that  we are weaker, et cetera. If President Obama’s party is to win a third term, then his argument is what would have to come out on top in order to get it. So, this is the argument, America.”

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