Montage: Every Time Obama Attacked Critics in Speech Calling for Civility

‘That’s the story ISIL wants to tell; that’s the kind of propaganda they use to recruit’

President Obama used his final State of the Union address to call for a new era of political civility, asking all Americans to engage political debates in a way that "reflects the goodness and decency and optimism" of America.

Yet in between calls for "a more elevated debate in Washington" came repeated, sharp attacks on his critics. 

Obama opened his address with a jab at the senators currently seeking the presidency, saying, "I know some of you are antsy to get back to Iowa."

And that was just the beginning. 

Here's a sampling of the attacks that followed: 

  • Those who speak ill of America's economy are "peddling fiction."
  • "Attacks on collective bargaining" are undermining the middle class. 
  • Doubting global warming is akin to doubting the existence of Sputnik after the Russians beat America into space.
  • Those who contend America's enemies are strengthening are spouting "hot air." 
  • Ted Cruz's call for "carpet bombing" ISIS is "a TV sound bite" not fit for "the world stage."
  • Calling ISIS an "Islamic" terror group is being used in "recruitment brochures for our enemies." 
  • Keeping open Guantanamo Bay feeds "the propaganda [terrorists] use to recruit."
  • Critiquing Islam "diminishes us in the eyes of the world ... it betrays who we are as a country."
  • Giving "attention" to "the most extreme voices" in America "withers" our democracy. 
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