Mike Johnson: ‘Mayorkas Engineered the Open Border’

‘The White House and the president himself has to take executive action’


JOHNSON: "Laura, Mayorkas is responsible for this. He engineered the open border. He is the one that has done that. So to your point, it doesn’t matter what laws we pass. If the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security is unable or unwilling to enforce them, I think is he unwilling in this case, then it makes no difference. That's the point. I think the White House and the president himself has to take executive action. He has to do what he has, the authority under existing law, to solve this mess, to end the catastrophe that he and his agencies, including Mayorkas, have created. We’re going to insist upon that. We have been every single day. We will continue to because we owe that to the American people."

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