Milford Regional Medical Center Announces New Policies that Can Deny You Care if You Use ‘Unwelcome Words’ Such as Micro-Aggressions Related to Race and Gender

‘You will be given a chance to explain your point of view’

This story is cross-posted at our consumer site, Grabien News. Watch it there – without audiomarks.


SMULOWITZ: “Milford Regional Medical Center is committed to providing exceptional health care services to our community with dignity, compassion and respect. Everyone should expect a safe, caring and inclusive environment in all our spaces. Our patient and visitor code of conduct helps us meet this goal. Words or actions that are disrespectful, racist, discriminatory, hostile or harassing are not welcome and will not be tolerated. Examples of these include offensive comments about others' race, ethnicity, accent, religion, gender, sexual orientation or other personal traits, refusal to see a clinician or other staff member based on these personal traits, aggressive or intimidating behavior, physical or verbal threats and assaults, sexual or vulgar words or actions, and disrupting another patient's care or experience. Please recognize that body language and tone of voice are also important parts of communication. If we believe you have violated our code with unwelcome words or actions, you will be given a chance to explain your point of view. We will always carefully consider your response before we make any decisions about feature care at Milford Regional.”

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