Biden: I Wanted My Admin to Look Like the United States of America

‘African Americans are represented, minorities are represented’


BIDEN: "One of my arguments all along, when I came down here and Jim Clyburn stepped up with his wife, but the point is, it represents America. African Americans are represented, minorities are represented. That’s America. That’s why I said, when I got elected, I promised my administration -- I have more women in my cabinet than men, not because I'm [inaudible]. There’s as many qualified women as there are men. There are as many qualified blacks as there are white -- I mean, we just have to stop looking at each other like we're the enemy. Together there’s not — look, maybe the best way to say it is, we have to remember who the hell we are. We are the United States of America. There is nothing — I mean this from the bottom of my heart, nothing beyond our capacity when we work together, I’m optimistic. I am truly optimistic that we can do anything. We’re the only nation I can think of that has come out of every crisis stronger than we went in. And we’re going to do it again."

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