McConnell Won’t Say if Trump Nomination Would Put the GOP Majority at Risk

‘Hopefully, we’ll have a good nominee’

STEPHANOPOULOS: "Back in 2008, there was bipartisan legislation passed unanimously in the Senate declaring that Senator John McCain, who was a natural-born citizen, even though he was born in a territory, I know you don’t like to get in the middle of a 2016 campaign, but there have been questions raised about Ted Cruz’s eligibility to be president. Will the Senate pass legislation saying that he is also a natural-born citizen?"
MCCONNELL: "Well, you’re right. I’ve made a point of staying out of the presidential race. These guys are all running their races as hard as they can and —" [Crosstalk]
STEPHANOPOULOS: "— responsibility —"
MCCONNELL: "— to the — I don’t think the Senate ought to get in the middle of it."
STEPHANOPOULOS: "Even though they did in 2008?"
MCCONNELL: "I just don’t think the Senate ought to get into the middle of this. These guys are all slugging it out in Iowa and New Hampshire. We’ll have a nominee hopefully by sometime in the spring."
STEPHANOPOULOS: "Sometime in the spring. But you know, this has been kind of an extraordinary race, as I know you know. You see Donald Trump and Ted Cruz at the top of the primary field. Senator Cruz has called you a liar. Trump has accused you and Speaker Ryan of gross incompetence. There seems — they seem to be tapping into a real anger at the Republican leadership out there in the country. What does it say to you that they’re the front-runners for the Republican race right now?"
MCCONNELL: "It says that we ought to do our work, that the American people were elected us to do and let the presidential race play out."
STEPHANOPOULOS: "No worry that Donald Trump would put your majority at risk?"
MCCONNELL: "We’re going to do the job the American people elected us to do and presidential candidates will all slug it out and at some point this year, hopefully, we’ll have a good nominee."
STEPHANOPOULOS: "You are disciplined, Senator McConnell. Thank you very much for joining us this morning."
MCCONNELL: "Thank you."

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