Al Gore: ‘The Climate Crisis is a Fossil Fuel Crisis’

‘[The fossil fuel industry] are way better at capturing politicians than capturing emissions’


GORE: "Well, Jake, they have overreached. The fossil fuel industry has sought to control and manipulate this process for a long time. They're way better at capturing politicians than capturing emissions. But they have gone too far. And I think that it could possibly end up as a kind of blessing in disguise, because it has awakened a lot of people to how absurd this situation is. The climate crisis is a fossil fuel crisis. And they try to pretend that they can separate fossil fuels from emissions from the fossil fuels and keep on burning them and catch the emissions on the way into the air. It's kind of ridiculous. Maybe, one day in the future, that might be possible, but it's nowhere feasible. It's nowhere close to being feasible now. Anyway, I think there's a chance that we could see a surprisingly good outcome here, if the majority of the countries there hold on to their convictions and demand a phaseout of fossil fuels. I'm hoping."

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